Spotlight on Artists: Leroy Moore

Leroy Moore, in a black-and-white photograph, shown looking at the camera with his chin on his fist, smiling.

McGuinness Law Group is lucky to share office space with Goldstein Borgen,Dardarian Ho, a civil rights law firm whose office is decorated almostexclusively with art created by artists with disabilities. In that spirit,we're implementing an occasional series highlighting the work of artists whosedisabilities are integral to their work. Today we spotlight Leroy F. Moore,Jr., whom Celia first met as her client in a housing discrimination case.

Leroy Moore describes himself as aBlack disabled writer, author, poet, hip-hop/music lover, and communityactivist. Born with cerebral palsy, he has dedicated much of his writing andactivism to disability rights. He was founder of the Krip-Hop Nation projectand co-founder of the performance art collective Sins Invalid. Krip-Hop emergedfrom his interest in Black musicians marginalized because of theirdisabilities. “The mission of Krip-Hop Project,” he has written, “is to get themusical talents of hip-hop artists with disabilities into the hands of mediaoutlets, educators, hip-hop, disabled and race scholars, youth, hip-hopconference coordinators, and agents and to report the latest news aboutmusicians with disabilities.” Celia has seen him perform in a Sins Invalidpiece, a moving and unforgettable experience. See more at Sins Invalid.

Leroy never stops learning. He is currently a doctoral student in linguistic anthropology at UCLA. He recently finished his Master’s Thesis, “Krip-Hop Pedagogy.” Congratulations, Leroy! He also serves as the Chair of the Black Disability Studies Committee for the National Black Disability Coalition. He writes and delivers lectures and performances that reflect the intersections between racism and ableism in the United States and abroad.

Check out his most recent book, Black Disabled Ancestors on Amazon. It’s an inviting bookfull of fascinating facts. Also catch him on Instagram.